Oz Lotto offers a total of seven different prize divisions and nine different winning combinations. Almost all divisions have only one winning combination, except for divisions four and seven, where there are two winning combinations for each of them. Here is an overview of the Oz Lotto winning combinations.

The winning combination for the First Division prize requires you to match all of the seven main numbers drawn. No supplementary numbers are needed to win the First Division prize. The prize pool for this winning combination starts at AUD$2 million and has gone up to as high as AUD$100 million in the history of Oz Lotto results.
The winning combination for the Second Division prize requires you to match six main numbers and one of the supplementary numbers.
The Third Division prize has one winning combination - you need to match six of the main numbers. No supplementary numbers are necessary for this winning combination.
To win the Fourth Division prize in Oz Lotto, they offer two different winning combinations. The first winning combination requires you to match five main numbers and one of the supplementary numbers. The second winning combination requires to match five main numbers and two supplementary numbers.
The winning combination for the Fifth Division prize is just as the name suggests - it requires you to match five main numbers. No supplementary numbers are needed.
The Sixth Division prize offers one winning combination, which requires you to match four main numbers. Just like in the ladder, no supplementary numbers are required in this combination.
Last but not least, the Seventh Division prize - which has two different winning combinations. The first combination requires you to match three main numbers and one supplementary number. The second combination requires you to match three main numbers and two supplementary numbers. The winning combinations for the Seventh Division prize have the best odds out of all of the ones above.